your story to life
through illustrations

[Translate to English:] Handgeschöpftes Papier, Südtirol

When it comes to illustrations, there are no limits on your imagination. Feel free to get in touch if you are looking for something special, if you would like an individual illustration. For your project, product, brand – for your “universe”. I look forward to chatting with you.


[Translate to English:] Food Illustration - Italian illustrator
Ice cream illustrations
Client: Parc Cafè Marlen
[Translate to English:] Italian Food Illustrator
[Translate to English:] Italy, Ice Cream Illustration


Editorial illustrations
for the hotel magazine
»Hubertus View«
in collaboration with


Illustrations for the game
»Der Wiesenchecker«
Client: Bibliothek Lajen
The joker for the game
»Der Wiesenchecker«
Client: Bibliothek Lajen


[Translate to English:] Castel Fragsburg Paternum bei Meran
Castle illustration
Client: Castel Fragsburg
[Translate to English:] Details - 3D Ansicht - Castel Fragsburg Paternum bei Meran
[Translate to English:] Details - 3D Ansicht - Castel Fragsburg Paternum bei Meran


»La vita è bella«
1/5: Franz
Client: Da La Vedla,
St. Kassian - Gadertal
»La vita è bella«
2/5: Clary
Client: Da La Vedla,
St. Kassian - Gadertal
»La vita è bella«
3/5: Lisa
Client: Da La Vedla,
St. Kassian - Gadertal
»La vita è bella«
4/5: Elide
Client: Da La Vedla,
St. Kassian - Gadertal
»La vita è bella«
5/5: Axl
Client: Da La Vedla,
St. Kassian - Gadertal


Illustration »Petra«
Client: Manuela Egger, Lana


Small illustrations for the book
»Einfach mehr ernten«
by Sascha Singh
published by Löwenzahn Verlag
Graphic design:


Illustration for beer label
Hofbrauerei Hubenbauer, Vahrn
Graphic design:


Editorial illustration for COR – the guest magazine of the tourism organisations of the Eisacktal, South Tyrol


T-shirt illustration
Client: Wildhorns,


Wine label with illustration
Client: Baumgartnerhof


Illustration for gingerbread packaging
Client: Pur Südtirol


[Translate to English:] Kinderbuch-Illustrationen - Südtirol
Children's book illustrations
»Die Stoanernen Mandlar machen eine Reise« published by Raetia Verlag
[Translate to English:] Die Stoanernen Mandlar - Buch-Illustrationen
[Translate to English:] Die Stoanernen Mandlar - Kinderbuch-Illustrationen
[Translate to English:] Buch-Illustrationen - Südtirol


[Translate to English:] Branding - Illustration - Grafikerin Brixen
Illustrations matching the brand
Client: Salon Karin


[Translate to English:] Poster - Veranstaltung - Südtirol - Grafikerin
Poster with illustration
Client: Schützenkompanie Lajen
[Translate to English:] Grafik Design - Event Poster - Illustration


[Translate to English:] Verpackungs-Design - Packaging - Illustration - Südtirol
Packaging with illustration
Client: Silke Runggaldier
St. Christina - Gröden
Elisabeth Mair - Illustrator - South Tyrol, Italy - Photo: Thomas Tribus

This is how
we bring our project
to life

We discuss your idea in a call or face-to-face meeting.
I create the illustration. Together we fine-tune it until it is 100% right for you and your project.
You can use the illustration in a variety of media.

views about
working with me

»We found out about Elisabeth from my sister. She made some wonderful thank you cards for her. From the moment we first met it was clear that we would make a good team. The joy and enthusiasm with which Elisabeth works are infectious. Her sensitivity, the wonderful details, the elegance and humour with which she produces her illustrations are what single her work out. A unique artist.«

Elide Mussner and Axl Pizzinini, Da La Vedla - St. Kassian

»I like the passion behind all of Elisabeth’s creations. She loves what she does and that is reflected in her fantastic work. She quickly understood my vision and perfectly made it reality for my customers. I am delighted with the result and look forward to more products from her that I can give as gifts.«

Silvia Gasser, bestselling author
[Translate to English:] Digitale Illustration iPad - Südtirol
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